C.L.E.D. Agar (W/ Bromo Thymol Blue)(Brolacin Agar)
1. C.L.E.D Agar is a ready to use solid media in glass bottle. The medium is pre-sterilized, hence sterilization is not required.
2. Prior to use
1. C.L.E.D Agar is a ready to use solid media in glass bottle. The medium is pre-sterilized, hence sterilization is not required.
2. Prior to use, medium in the bottle can be melted either by using a pre-heated water bath or any other method.
3. Slightly loosen the cap before melting.
4. Pour liquefied agar into each plate as desired and allow them to solidify at room temperature. Plates are now ready to inoculate or refrigerate for later use.
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